Monday, July 13, 2009


Things have been a little quiet here in the doodle experiment blog. I was feeling a little self-doubt about the whole thing - after all it is kind of odd.

But then I received an email notification Saturday that someone had contributed. I won't mention your name unless you think it is okay... I sure do thank you for helping out.

I've tried to keep the transaction activity out in the open just so folks know I'm being honest... I'm afraid in the last couple emails I have exchanged I miscalculated the total ( I never was good with math!)

So for the record, to date, 11 people have contributed. One of the eleven sent $20 instead of $5.
In order to try and keep the numbers even, I have made up the difference of what Paypal deducts for the transaction. So the grand total raised so far is $70.

1 comment:

Biddie said...

great! I hope more people find this "doodles for good" drive ....